Latest news:
6 Sept. 2005:
The ImageDupeless Spanish version 1.6.3 has been released.
27 Jul. 2005:
The ImageDupeless French version 1.6.3 has been released.
1 Jul. 2005:
The ImageDupeless version 1.6.3 has been released.
Made changes allowing to increase significantly speed of gallery creation and duplicate finding, made the other functional changes, fixed petty bugs. The update is recommended to all the users.
Changed shareware restrictions of the program. Multiplied by four the maximum size of the gallery in the unregistered trial version (4000 images). Added the thumbnails "Evaluation version".
Changed the algorithm for finding duplicates. As a result it is possible to omit some part of duplicates whose level of difference is more than 10%, but search time is reduced 2-5 times approximately. It is highly essential for huge galleries (>50,000 images)!
Slightly changed mechanism of grouping the duplicates as well as the method of calculating average difference level in the group (backlash comes to +-1% as compared with the method previously used).
Added four predefined templates to specify the concept of 'series' in the dialog for merging series of images:
Ser0 - a set of no less than 3 images with exclusively numeric suffix, its width is less than width of a text part
that must be no shorter than 5 symbols;
Ser1 - a set of no less than 3 images with arbitrary suffix, its width is larger (but no more than twice) than width of a text part
that must be no shorter than 5 symbols;
Ser2 - a set of no less than 3 images with exclusively numeric suffix, widths of a text part and suffix are arbitrary;
Ser3 - all the files in a directory.
Added the new rule in the editor of rules for automatic marking the improper duplicates: "mark the image if its path <>= than the selected path" (< - doesn't belong, > - belongs). It allows to filter the images according to their location in a certain directory.
Priority of image reading in the background mode (idle) is essentially reduced. As a result the procedure for creation of a gallery does not delay the other executed tasks.
Added the optional feature to save intermediate results in a temporary file located in the application directory when creating a gallery. If the gallery is created with success this file is automatically deleted. In case of abnormal program termination you will be suggested to create a new gallery by the kept intermediate results when restarting the prorgam.
In case of abnormal program termination the options "Try to accelerate and read BAD files" and "Fast reading of the large JPEG files" are forced to be unset.
Accelerated loading of some large images.
Added optional output of image text description from the file 'descipt.ion' into the window for comparison of two images and the dialog for series merging.
Fixed bugs detected since the previous version has been released.
4 Apr. 2005:
The ImageDupeless version has been released.
Fixed startup bug into unregistered version.
21 Feb. 2005:
The ImageDupeless version 1.6.2 has been released.
Fixed small bugs. The update is recommended to all the users.
15 Dec. 2004:
The ImageDupeless version 1.6.1 has been released.
Added new fuctions, changed old ones, fixed bugs. The update is recommended to all the users.
Added the special tool for merging series of images that can help picture-hunters to systematize the collected images
(downloaded from Internet, taken by a digital camera, etc.). Sense of series merging consists in moving the images of one series
to the directory of another one together with possible assigning the new names to moved files (or to all the files of both series).
For more details see here.
Added the special tool "Wizard" for novice users of ImageDupeless as well as those of who need carry out rapidly the whole program cycle:
create a gallery, find duplicates in it, mark improper images and delete them. For more details see
Added displaying tips of the day when the program starts and statistics at the end of program session.
Made changes in the window for comparison of two images: added highlight of lines with file parameters by different colors
(the best parameter is highlighted by blue color, the worst one by the standard color (usually black), if the parameters are equal
both are highlighted by purple color); lines with file names can be scrolled and copied now; added the button for running the dialog
for series merging; added displaying the series indicator (controlled by the option "show series indicator"); added displaying
positions of the images in the groups of duplicates containing more than two images (controlled by the option "show position
in the large group"); moved a set of options to the separate dialog "Additional parameters".
Made changes in the editor of rules for automatic marking the improper duplicates: added the rule for comparison of names
(in alphabetical order); renamed the old rule for comparison of names as the rule for comparison of name length; added the
standard rule for automatic deletion of duplicates with equal widths, heights, and names into the list of default rules.
Made changes in the main window: added the possibility to minimize the application window when it scans images, finds duplicates
or refreshes galleries; added items "Run Wizard" and "Clear window of unlike images" into the main menu ("Tools"); added the tool
button for running the Wizard; added items "Clear window of unlike images", "Clear window of duplicates",
"Show current image in the gallery list" into the contextual pop-up menu; optimized drawing the image thumbnails and their scrolling
in the left pane.
Made changes in the dialog for editing values of program parameters: in the section "Creating/Comparison" added the option
"Fast reading of the large JPEG files" accelerating reading of large JPEG images during working with the gallery; in the section
"Viewing" added the option "do not consider the case of names in the gallery" affecting upon sorting the list of gallery files
by names as well as the group of options "Parameters to show the images in the groups of duplicates" allowing to restrict "noise"
effect when working with the large groups of duplicates; added the new section "Messages" in which a set of options from the section
"Working" was moved as well as new ones were added: "Show tips of the day", "Display statistics at the end of the session",
"Generate the list of problematic images"; added the new section "Series of images" including the parameters controlling the
process of series merging.
Fixed bugs detected since the previous version has been released, in particular: wrong displaying the date of last modification
for image files, wrong comparison of the date of last modification during gallery refreshing, wrong search of duplicates for single
image, bug where defective images were locked for the session after their reading, wrong processing of non-ASCII symbols in the files
"descript.ion", wrong scrolling the main window after one of the images has been deleted, bug where tooltips were not displayed in
the window for comparison of two images, bug where status of the options set in the dialog for comparison with new images was not stored,
bugs in the dialog for deletion/moving of the images, etc ...
22 October 2003:
The ImageDupeless version has been published.
Fixed bugs: a slow search after saving.
The Czech (tr. by Milan Hrubý) and Spanish (tr. by Miguel Nobau) version of ImageDupeless version has been published.
14 October 2003:
The ImageDupeless version 1.5.4 has been released.
Fixed bugs under Win98.
15 September 2003:
The ImageDupeless version 1.5.3 has been released.
Basically there were small internal changes in the program, which has a positive effect
on its performance and required resources.
Implemented the function to export/import the lists of duplicates and unlike images to/from
an external text file. The function can be called from the contextual menu of the main window or
from the section "File" of the main menu.
Changed reading mechanism and gallery file format (backward compatibility works).
A part of the data (in particular, thumbnails) is not loaded into memory when opening gallery,
and is read up if necessary. This essentially reduces the gallery size in memory
(approximately three times smaller than occupied disk space for galleries with
the thumbnails stored inside and by 20% smaller for other galleries).
WARNING: saving of a gallery file by the command "Save" now occurs through a temporary
file, which requires additional disk space. Complete data storing in memory will take place
in process of gallery creation until its first saving and next loading.
Expanded the dialog for editing values of program parameters. Added a set of parameters previously
hidden from an user, in particular:
- added optional possibility to display full file paths (as far as possible) on thumbnails in the left pane
of the main window (the option "with full path" in the section "Main window");
- added possibility to set size of thumbnails displayed in the left pane of the main window
(the option "Icon size" in the section "Main window");
- added a parameter improving quality of the thumbnail displayed in the dialog for
creation/comparison/refresh of the gallery (the option "good image quality" in the section "Creating/Comparison");
- made optional check-up of accessibility of source files during gallery loading, which
has an essential effect at working with large on-line galleries
(the option "Check accessibility of images during gallery loading or refreshing" in the section "Working").
Modified the algorithm for reading image files. The new mechanism is more efficient (advantage is about 10-20%
when creating gallery), but less stable. It is turned on by the option "Try to accelerate and read BAD files".
Essentially modified, optimized (in memory size) and accelerated the function "Refresh gallery".
Added progress dialogs and bars for most of operations (reading, writing, etc.).
Added items "Mark automatically" and "Delete selected images from gallery" to the main menu.
Added possibility to input directly a directory name in the dialog for directory selection.
Fixed petty defects and bugs.
26 Jun 2003:
The ImageDupeless version 1.5.2 has been released.
Fixed the petty defects and bugs.
8 May 2003:
The ImageDupeless version 1.5.1 has been released.
Fixed the petty defects and bugs.
17 Apr. 2003:
The ImageDupeless version 1.4.8 BETA has been released.
Added the following items to the contextual pop-up menu: "Show current image",
"Show information about current image", "Mark current image". The first one runs
a registered program for viewing the current (highlighted) image. The second one
runs built-in informational dialog displaying parameters of the current (highlighted)
image. The third one marks the current (highlighted) image for further removal.
Added working with the description file "descript.ion". The information stored in the file
is taken into account when operations with the image (such as removal, moving, replacement)
are executed in the on-line mode. Working with the files "descript.ion" is possible only in
the registered version and is optional (see the parameter "Process descript.ion files").
Added possibility to view and to edit descriptions of available images (the on-line mode)
from the file "descript.ion" (when it is present in the directory with the images)
through the built-in informational dialog.
Fixed bugs:
denial of reading the additional gallery file when the new images for comparison have
been taken from the gallery file of old format,
conservation of gallery file size when the actual number of stored images has been reduced.
11 March 2003:
The ImageDupeless version 1.4.7 BETA has been published.
The French version is also available for downloading (only French user interface).
Added the contextual pop-up menu in the left and right panes of the main window
(is caused by the right mouse button). It includes the following items:
"Find duplicates" - reduplication of the main menu item of the same name: start
the procedure of search of duplicates in the gallery with preliminary setting
the search parameters.
"Find duplicates of current image" - clearing
the current list of duplicates and search of the images similar to
the current (highlighted) one in the gallery. The result is the list of duplicates
including a group of the images similar to the current one (or the empty list
if no duplicates were found). The current values of program settings are used
during the search.
The item is shown in the menu only if there is a highlighted image.
"Find duplicates of external image..." - opens the dialog to select
a file with external image, then cleans the current list of duplicates and
find the images similar to the given one in the gallery. The result is the list of duplicates
including a group of the images similar to the given one (or the empty list
if no duplicates were found). The current values of program settings are used
during the search.
"Find duplicates of external images..." - reduplication of the main menu item
"Compare with new images": start the procedure of comparison of external images
with the current gallery. Another gallery can also be a source of the external images.
"Mark automatically..." - start the procedure of automatic choice
of improper duplicates with preliminary setting the marking rules. The item is shown
in the menu only if there are found duplicates.
"Discard all marks" - results in removal of marks from all the gallery images.
The item is shown in the menu only if
there are images marked for removal in the gallery.
"Show current image" - similar to double clicking on the image: runs
a registered program for viewing the current (highlighted) image.
The item is shown in the menu only if there is a highlighted image.
"Show information about current image" - runs built-in informational dialog displaying
parameters of the current (highlighted) image. For available images (the on-line mode)
the dialog additionally shows their description from the file "descript.ion"
(when it is present in the directory with the current image).
The item is shown in the menu only if there is a highlighted image.
Added the special dialog to mark images automatically in the duplicate pane
according to the given rules (for example, for the further removal).
The dialog is started from the contextual pop-up menu
of the main window in the mode of displaying the duplicates.
The user's set of rules for marking is shown in the dialog.
The dialog allows to create, to delete, to edit, to sort, to change
activity status for the rules. Only active rules (marked by a red flag)
are taken into account when the algorithm is working.
Each rule is supplied with a name and includes a group of primitive
parametrized filters which constrain a set of examined images, as well as
a group of parametrized conditions determining choice.
The images in each group of duplicates satisfying to all the given
filtration conditions are compared in pairs with each other, and those of
satisfying to the given choice conditions are marked.
The active conditions are only taken into account (i.e. those of having nonzero weight).
The additional option "Take into account weight for conditions (otherwise
all active conditions are verified)",
sets the mode of taking into account influence of the conditions. There are two modes.
1. Joint influence of active conditions. In this mode if one of the images
from a pair satisfies to all the active conditions it is marked.
Weight values for the conditions are not taken into account here.
2. Account of weight of conditions. All the active conditions are examined and
bonuses are (or aren't) charged to each image according to values of weights and
parameters of the conditions. Bonus values from all the conditions are added separately
for each image and that of having larger bonus is marked.
Parameter of a condition defines how many times an appropriate
value for one image should be more (or less in dependence
on the given type ">" or "<") than for another one, in order to
the condition is considered to be realized.
At that charged bonus is equal to real meaning of this value
multiplied by weight of the condition.
For example, parameter of a condition equal to 1.5 means that this condition
will add bonuses to the image having the appropriate value at least
1.5 times more (or less) than the value of another image. The type "="
may not be used in this mode.
Example: there is a pair of images with the appropriate file sizes 100Kb and 200Kb,
parameter of the condition "file size" is equal to 1.5, and weight is equal to 30.
2*30=60 bonus spots will be added to one of the images
(depending on the given type "<" or ">").
Repertoire of primitive filters for a group of images:
"process the group if only it doesn't contain already marked images",
"process the group if only the number of duplicates in it is less than the given one"
Repertoire of primitive filters for pairs of images:
"compare only pairs of images whose level of difference is no more than the given value [%]",
"compare only binary equal files (it doesn't work in off-line mode)",
"compare images if only they have the same graphic file format",
"compare images if only ratio of their sides differs no more than the given value [%]:",
"compare images if only they have identical sizes; permissible variation [%]"
Repertoire of choice conditions:
"image area differs as much as the given number of times",
"image width differs as much as the given number of times",
"image height differs as much as the given number of times",
"file size differs as much as the given number of times",
"file modification date",
"file name",
"image belongs to the gallery"
The maximal amount of rules in the dialog for automatic selection
of images is equal to 32.
Essentially remade navigation on groups of duplicates in the window for comparison of two images.
Now the window is switched not to the following group of duplicates, but to the following pair
in the current group, and only in the absence of such pair the window is switched to
the first duplicates of the following group.
Navigation through only the first pairs of the groups (as it worked earlier) is carried out
by turning on the option "walk through first pairs".
Added an optional opportunity to walk through the groups containing
the images marked for removal during navigation in the window for comparison
of two images (the option "walk through marked images").
It allows after finishing the procedure of automatic choice of improper duplicates
according to user's settings to check up quickly the result and to remove
marks from the images which should not be deleted. In this mode the first pair of the
first row and the last pair of last row will be considered as the initial and the final pairs
correspondingly, without dependence on whether they have marks for removal or not.
Accelerated drawing of the window for comparison of two images when the option
"show neighbors" is turned on (there was strong dependence of the drawing speed on the number of files
in a directory with images).
Slightly improved reading of defective images. For this purpose the additional
parameter "Read BAD files" has been inserted, but it is not recommended to turn on this option
(unless it is really necessary).
If the parameter "detailed log file" is turned on the decoding errors are additionally written
in the log file, besides, if an error appears during image file reading
the name of this defective file will be shown at the following loading of the application.
Marks of the images are stored now in the gallery file
(the gallery file format has been changed, backward compatibility works).
The date is shown now according to local settings.
Added support for ICO format; if the icon is multiframe the frame with
the maximal size is choosen.
Added "*.jpe" file extension.
Fixed bug arising sometimes when a sole group was removed and when a non-existent (off-line)
image was marked in the window for comparison of two images.
Fixed bug where in the mode of displaying the unlike images the removing button was not
shown for the images which are absent on a disk.
The button "Remove" is always active in the mode of displaying the unlike images,
as in this mode an image is anyway removed only from the list of unlike images rather than
from a disk.
The window for comparison of two images has been similarly corrected.
Fixed bug where in the mode of displaying the unlike images there was no recalculation
of the drawing area sizes after removing images from the list.
Fixed bug where the list of unlike images was not restored properly after the gallery
has been read.
WARNING! During automatic deletion status of the images
previously marked for deletion (for example, manually) is not changed,
and they are not examined at comparison of quality.
WARNING! At each new search of duplicates results
of the previous search (the current list of duplicates) are cancelled (as against
the list of unlike images, which can be changed only manually).
WARNING! In the mode of automatic comparison binary equivalence
of files is examined only for available files (the online mode).
23 Dec. 2002:
The German, Czech and Lithuanian ImageDupeless BETA versions was uploaded at the web-site.
31 Aug. 2002:
The version 1.4 has been released (the official release).
The French version also is available to downloading (only French user interface).
Added the concept "User-defined list of unlike images in the gallery".
If the program marks some pair (or group) of images as similar ones
and displays them in the list of duplicates (as they satisfy to the
given criterion of similarity), but yours personal visual perception
of this pair/group says to you that this is not the case and the images
have nothing in common with each other, you can forcedly mark them as
UNLIKE images. It also can be made if you do not want to delete any
from the duplicates (for whatever reasons). The program will not display
the marked images in the list of the duplicates at the following procedures
of search. If a certain third image similar to one of presented in the
list of unlike images would be found, the program will display only
one image from the group of unlike ones in the pane of duplicates, having
marked it by a green arrow (clicking on this arrow allows to thumb through
the group). The operations with such "pseudo-groups" are limited!
Addition of new pairs in the list of unlike images is accomplished directly
from the window for comparison of two images (the button with sign of
unequality between names of the images). It is possible to look through
and to edit the list of "not duplicates" as well as the list of duplicates.
The used operations for the list of unlike images are limited to comparison,
viewing, and removal from the list. The appropriate menu items ("View"
of the main menu) and tool buttons (three buttons with glasses) have
been added for switching between various modes of viewing:
1. Files of the gallery,
2. List of found duplicates,
3. User-defined list of unlike images.
Added the options to store the result of last search of the duplicates
and the user list of "not duplicates" in gallery files. The gallery
file format has been slightly changed correspondingly, and the old versions
of ImageDupeless (up to 1.3 inclusive) cannot read gallery files created
by the new ones (1.4BETA and higher). The given options are called "Store
list of duplicates in gallery files" and "Store user list
of unlike images in gallery files".
Added the very useful option to compare images from two already generated
galleries (see the menu item "Tools/Compare with new images", then select
"another gallery file (*.glr)"). At that there is no repeated reading
of the images. The given option works only in the registered version.
Added the possibility to change size of the window for comparison of
two images and to maximize it.
Added the buttons for renaming/moving image files in the window for
comparison of two images (the buttons with the inscription "Abc" located
near the buttons for removal of images). It is possible to select a
new file name and path in the special dialog for renaming/moving image
files. At that, there is a possibility to set quickly names and directories
of the current files in the window for comparison and the given settings
will be stored for the following sessions. There is a possibility to
add easily an index to the file name (if a file with such name is already
exists and you do not want to replace it). Thumbnails for source (renamed)
and target (if exists) files are optionally displayed in the dialog.
Besides, if these files are binary equal, sign of equality will be displayed
between the thumbnails.
Added the buttons to mark the images displayed in the window for comparison
of two images for following deletion (small rectangles under the deletion buttons).
The marks will be updated in the left pane of the main window (red ticks in the top
left corner of thumbnails) after the window for comparison has been closed.
Please, select the menu item "Delete selected images" to delete the marked images.
Changed appearance and location of the element displaying quality of
compared images in the window for comparison of two images. There are
three parameters of quality:
1. Area of the image,
2. Size of its file,
3. Relation of the file size to the image area.
The vertical blue bar is located between the buttons for removal of
images. If compared parameters are equal, the sign '=' will be drawn
on the bar on the place appropriate to the parameter. If some image
has better value of a parameter, the sign '+' will be drawn near the
bar on the side appropriate to the image. At that, distance between
the sign and the bar ... If the image files are binary equal, the big
red sign '=' is displayed instead of this element. The numerical value
of a level of difference for compared images is located now under the
given element.
Appearance of the bottom part of the window for comparison of two images:
Added some hot keys to raise efficiency of work in the window for
comparison of two images:
"R/V" - passes to the previous/next pair of images;
"F" - adds the current pair of images into the user-defined list of unlike ones;
"D/G" - deletes left/right image;
"C/B" - marks left/right image for following deletion.
Added the progress bar of removal and the cancel button to interrupt
the process (but not to restore already deleted files, so do not forget
to set the option "Put deleted files in Recycle Bin") in the dialog
for removal of marked images.
In the dialog with the list of the files marked for removal double
clicking the left mouse button on a file name now starts a program for
detailed viewing the appropriate image (as well as in all the other
Added displaying the warning that it is desirable to turn off the option
"Store thumbnails in gallery files" for saving of time and
memory when size of the gallery is more than 30000 images (generally,
we do not recommend to create galleries of the huge sizes, it is much
better and more efficient to divide the huge gallery into themes by
their root directories and to operate with the separate galleries).
Added "*.JPE" to the list of supported file extensions.
Changed approach to shareware limitations and warnings. The program is
provided now by a trial period. The other limitations has also been changed, in particular:
Working with the first pair of thumbnails in EACH row is possible now in the duplicate pane;
Some limitations in the window for comparison of two images have been relaxed;
Shareware warnings have been added;
It is not possible to store the lists of found duplicates and unlike images in gallery files;
30-day trial period has been added.
Corrected the old dialog for moving images (now it is possible to change
only file names).
Fixed bug where the confirmation for removal of files was asked always
in the window for comparison of two images, not depending on program
Fixed the other petty defects and bugs.
10 Jun. 2002:
The version 1.3 has been released (the official release).
Added the mode of displaying thumbnails of all the gallery images in
the left pane of the main window. The tool button and the corresponding
menu item allow to switch between the modes of displaying duplicates
and the whole gallery.
Added the option "Store thumbnails in gallery files". If you wish to
use a gallery in off-line mode, you must set this option before creation
of the gallery! Namely presence of thumbnails in gallery files allows
to look through the galleries even if the source image files are absent
on a disk. However turning this option off forces process of gallery
creation 2-2.5 times faster and makes size of the gallery file 3 times
smaller. This option has no influence on quality of further search of
duplicates. We greatly recommend to turn this option off when working
with huge image archives on HDD (more than 2Gb) and/or under deficiency
of RAM. Possibility to add thumbnails into the galleries created under
such condition will be appeared in the near future. Small benchmark
for this mode can be found at the page "About the
Removed the limitation!: in the unregistered version different images
(rather than the same ones) are displayed now in the window for comparison
of two images.
Added the option "Put deleted files in Recycle Bin" (the "READ-ONLY"
attribute is ignored now during deletion). The option "Ignore the READ-ONLY
attribute" (if it is set, the files marked as "READ-ONLY" will be deleted
without the additional warning) is temporarily grayed.
Added several visual elements allowing to predetermine quickly a ratio
of quality for compared images in the window for comparison of two images.
A level of difference for shown images is displayed numerically by color
text (the used palette consisting of blue color gradations is similar
to the palette used in the left pane of the main window) below the window
(between the buttons for deletion of the images). If the image files
are binary equal, the red symbol '=' is displayed instead of the number.
Besides three symbols corresponding to the following parameters of images:
a) the area of the image, b) size of its file, c) relation of the file
size to the image area, are located abreast under the buttons for deletion
of the images. The symbol '+' is located under the image that has larger
value of the appropriate parameter, correspondingly, the symbol '-'
is located under the image that has smaller value of the parameter,
and the symbol '=' is used if the appropriate values coincide.
Added the possibility to start a program for detailed viewing the image
in the window for comparison of two images by double clicking the left
mouse button (double clicking is also works for thumbnails of neighbors
in the registered version).
Slightly accelerated the process of loading of new image pairs in the
window for comparison of two images (remark: the time of loading of
the images is increased almost three times when the mode of displaying
neighbors is turned on; it is recommended to use the given mode if only
it is really necessary for you or if your computer is powerful).
Removed blinking and added image caching to accelerate work in the
window for comparison of two images; added the tooltips containing the
complete file names over thumbnails of neighbors.
Added the option "To use internal viewer for thumbnails" for viewing
images by double clicking on thumbnails.
Added displaying the number of the current group of duplicates and
the general number of the groups (in brackets) in the title of the window
for comparison of two images.
Corrected output formats for date of last modification of a file and
for its size in the window for comparison of two images and in the right
pane of the main window.
In the left pane of the main window the rows of duplicates are sorted
now in descending order of an average level of similarity of the images
in the row (works only in the registered version).
Added the possibility to start a program for viewing the current image
in the left pane by pressing the key button "SPACE".
Added restoring width of columns of the list in the right pane at the
next session.
Icons in message boxes has been brought to conformity with types of
the concrete messages (question, information, warning).
Slightly corrected scrolling when the current image has been pointed
Accelerated deletion of images from the gallery.
Accelerated displaying the list in the right pane at a plenty of the
gallery images.
Fixed bug where the left pane of the main window was not always
repainted after the window for comparison of two images has been closed.
Fixed bug where the dirty wasn't set after changing a root directory
for the gallery.
Fixed bug where not always neighbor (in alphabetical order) images
were shown in the window for comparison of two images.
Fixed bug where a thumbnail was not always shown in the window for
comparison of two images during the off-line mode.
Fixed the other petty defects and bugs.
24 May 2002:
The version 1.3BETA has been released (the official release will be available within two weeks).
22 Apr. 2002:
The version 1.23 has been released (bugfixes and improvements).
Fixed bug appearing when the root directory of a disk has been set as
the root directory of the gallery.
Improved quality of thumbnail imaging under Windows 2000 in the dialog
for comparison of two images.
Added optional displaying thumbnails for previous and next
(in alphabetical order) image files in the same directories where
basic compared images are located (even if the former images are not
included into the gallery). This mode works now only if the gallery
files are available. Warning: the mode slows down switching between
pairs of similar images.
Adjusted location of buttons in the dialog for comparison of two images.
16 Apr. 2002:
The version 1.22 has been released (bugfixes and improvements).
Completed the installation/deinstallation process: all the information
about ImageDupeless is removed from the registry at deinstallation.
The file extension ".glr" is registered for the application.
Added tips to the buttons of the dialog for comparison of two images.
Added vertical scrolling with the mouse wheel at the left pane.
09 Apr. 2002:
The version 1.21 has been released (bugfixes and improvements).
Added sorting on any column (and in any direction) in the right pane.
Added support for Photoshop image format (*.PSD).
Improved the dialog for comparison of two images.
Read-only files can also be deleted after an additional question.
Corrected scrolling by arrow buttons in the left pane and focusing on
a thumbnail at setting the current image in the right pane.
Fixed bug where ticks of duplicate presence remained in the right
pane if files have been replaced (rather than removed) during comparison.
02 Apr. 2002:
The version 1.2 has been released (the official release).
Added the dialog for setting gallery refresh parameters (change
the root directory, add new files, reread changed, remove deleted ones).
Fixed bug where the dirty wasn't set after refreshing the gallery.
27 Mar. 2002:
The version 1.084 has been released.
Fixed bug where the left pane wasn't refreshed after deleting images.
Fixed scrolling in the left pane (it isn't work properly at a plenty
of duplicates under Win9x/Me).
Replaced own dialog for setting a root directory by the standard Windows dialog.
Added registration mechanism.
21 Mar. 2002:
The range of the level of maximal difference has been a little more narrowed,
and the parameters have been optimized at setting a non-optimal level
(optimum - 11 %).
19 Mar. 2002:
I cannot release the version 1.07, therefore jump at once till the version
Fixed bug where the left window was not updated automatically, if the
process of reading or comparison was interrupted or did not give results.
The options in the dialog for comparison of two images are kept now
in the system registry and can be restored at the following session.
Sped up the refresh function for huge galleries. Warning for the evaluation
version: all the gallery will be scanned, but no more than 4000 images
will be included into it.
Found (but not corrected) bug where fallout of the scroller in the left
pane is possible at a plenty of duplicates under Windows 9x/Me (the
problem is not shown under Windows 2000).
Added one more limitation to the evaluation version: the dialog for
comparison displays the same image.
Added possibility to mark forcedly all the gallery files as off-line
at absence of only some of them on the data medium when the gallery
are read or refreshed. It accelerates work when the gallery are stored
on CD.
Added the internal filter for supported graphic formats (now in the
initial list of files for reading only those of will be included which
have the following extensions: jpg, gif, bmp, pcx, jpeg, png, tif, tiff,
pmg, wmf, emf, eps.
Slightly changed design of the duplicate pane in an inactive state.
Fixed bug of setting the parameter "Maximal level of difference"
via the comparison dialog at restart.
Slightly optimized the function for generating thumbnails
Found (but not corrected) bug that the program interacts badly with
XnView; this viewer is not always started and slows down (such problems
are not observed when AcdSee or InfraView are used).
04 Mar. 2002:
Unlocked the parameter "Maximal level of difference",
but I do not advise to depart especially from the value 11. This parameter
is also kept from one session to another.
Added the dialog for comparison of two images. It is made active at double
click on rectangle to the left of image groups in the list of duplicates.
By default first two images in a row will be compared. To compare other
pairs in the row it is necessary to select equally two images by single
click (selected images are highlighted by a black background).
Fixed bug at removal of an image through the list of duplicates when
a row contains more than two thumbnails.
Slightly improved appearance of the list of gallery images.
Found (but not corrected) bug where colors inside GIF images can be distorted
at reading; comparison of such images gives wrong results.
28 Feb. 2002:
Fixed bug at saving options for output information on a thumbnail background.
27 Feb. 2002:
Slightly changed design of the site.
Added running the given external viewer by double-clicking on the image
name in the right pane.
Added scrolling for thumbnail window by arrow buttons (mouse wheel works
also, but not everywhere).
Added the concept of the current image in the list of thumbnails. It
is selected by mouse movement (without clicks) or by arrow buttons at
scrolling and is highlighted by blue frame. For the current image its
name with a complete path is displayed in the status bar.
A number of parameters are kept now separately from a gallery
file (in the system registry) and accordingly are restored at the
following session.
Added the menu item/toolbar button "Delete the selected images"
(works for the selected thumbnails (highlighted by a black background)
in the left pane).
Added output of the warning that the image is absent on the disk at double
clicking (for off-line mode). For such images all the known information
and the corresponding thumbnails are also shown.
Added output of names of the files (after the gallery has been
composed) located at the given path but not included into the gallery,
because the program has not taken up them as the images.
Added output of the offer to save the gallery at exit. (Tracking
changes of gallery contents at various operations is not made).
Added new options: show file name, its size, and image resolution
on a thumbnail background. According to it the option dialog has been
Added the dialog for comparison of two images (preview version,
not tested).
21 Feb. 2002:
Fixed crash when reading some GIF images.
Fixed bug where double click on thumbnails didn't work.
17 Feb. 2002:
Slightly sped up.
Removed restrictions for some parameters.
Added the checkbox "Show images" and the button "Stop"
into the dialogs for image reading and comparison.
Added output of file sizes and image resolutions into the list of gallery
Carried out small benchmarks.
10 Feb. 2002:
Added off-line mode, i.e. possibility to work with images of
the earlier created gallery, not having them in availability on CD/HD
(the gallery file format has been changed for this reason).
03 Feb. 2002:
Added the menu item/toolbar button "Refresh gallery"
- rebuilds the list of the gallery components: leaves the files which
is not present on the CD/HD at the given moment and adds those of which
have appeared in the path for the gallery.